A pair of hands using a carving tool to make marks in a sheet of linoleum. Colorful prints and linocut materials are spread across the table.

Adult Workshop: Encore: Jigsaw Linocuts

Thursday, Dec 2, 2021
6:00 pm — 9:00 pm

Discover the versatile nature of linocuts to create a suite of dynamic prints. Inspired by the prints found in An Art of Changes: Jasper Johns Prints, 1960 – 2018, explore designing a linocut through a unique jigsaw technique. Participants will experiment with color, form, and composition to carve and pull a unique, transformative print. Guests are encouraged, but not required, to bring in their own reference materials for their design.

Please note: programming at GRAM is running with enhanced safety measures, including face covering requirements regardless of vaccination status, regular sanitization and cleaning, and restricting the sharing of tools/​materials among participants. Masks will be available for those who do not have one.

Monroe Center Creativity Space

For more information, please contact GRAM Studio at gramstudio@artmuseumgr.org or 616.831.2927.

20% off for members