All guests can enjoy free admission and free activities during the Creating Your Story event!
Guests of all ages can explore the newest exhibition, American Perspectives: Stories from the American Folk Art Museum. Folk artists, sometimes referred to as self-taught artists, are individuals whose talents emerged from personal experience rather than formal training. Their creations are beautiful, diverse, truthful, often utilitarian, and rooted in their individual heritage or community. GRAM will feature activities throughout the museum that explore this exhibition further. Activities include:
- Gallery Chats – Docents will be stationed in the American Perspectives exhibition to talk to families about specific artwork and artists.
- Art Making Project – Create your own folk art inspired by your personal story.
- Recording Your Story – Using inspiration from several works of art, guests can use special equipment to record their story to be shared with the community.
- Folk Artist Demo – Meet folk artists Reb Roberts and Carmella Loftis from our community and talk to them about their artwork as they demonstrate techniques.
For more information, contact Director of Learning and Creativity Kristen Hoeker at 616.831.2930 or