Mathias J. Alten (American, b. Germany 1871 – 1938). The Striped Skirt, 1917. Oil on canvas, 45 x 55 inches. Grand Rapids Art Museum, Gift in Memory of Eleanore Alten Gilleo by her Family, 1995.1.9
Explore artist Mathias Alten’s use of florals during Art in Bloom weekend! Join us on Level 2 of the Museum, where museum docents will be stationed throughout the gallery to chat about the paintings in Mathias J. Alten: An Enduring Legacy. Learn more about the artwork from GRAM’s knowledgeable docents and engage in discussion.
The exhibition celebrates Alten’s ongoing legacy on the 150th anniversary of his birth. Included in An Enduring Legacy are family portraits and self-portrait studies, floral still lifes, mural-sized allegorical works created for public spaces, and scenes of the natural world, for which he is best known.
We’re excited for guests to safely participate in select programming at the Museum. Expect new procedures including: reduced program capacity to ensure distancing, face covering requirements, regular sanitization and cleaning, and restricting the sharing of tools/materials among participants.
For more information, contact Director of Learning and Creativity Kristen Hoeker at 616.831.2930 or