Join GRAM Collection artist Jerry Gretzinger, creator of Jerry’s Map, for a night of map-based creativity at GRAM.
What started as a doodle of an imaginary city in 1963, the decades-long project has since evolved into a two-dimensional “virtual world” of almost 4,000 individual 8x10 inch panels. After setting the initial iteration of Jerry’s Map aside in 1983, it was rediscovered in the artist’s attic years later by his son, Henry. Since then, the project has been almost continuously revised and expanded.
During this exclusive two-hour session, guests will explore Jerry’s process first-hand with the help of the artist and his wife, Meg Staley. Create your own imagined world in 8x10 inches, using prompts generated by the artist as you learn and explore the techniques used for decades to create Jerry’s Map!
For more information, please contact GRAM Studio at gramstudio@artmuseumgr.org or 616.831.2927.