Two hands cut out paper elements to construct as part of a zine

CANCELED — Adult Workshop: Art Zines

Thursday, Jun 8, 2023
6:00 pm — 9:00 pm

Join us in GRAM Studio once a month to channel your creativity and learn new artmaking techniques through workshops inspired by GRAM’s current exhibitions and collection highlights.

Before the era of social media, artists would self-publish their drawings, photos, art, and musings in the form of zines. A way to create and engage in dialogue with others, this do-it-yourself approach to sharing ideas sought to subvert dominant ideologies and create a shared experience amongst likeminded individuals. 

Join GRAM Studio in exploring this unique means of communication and collaboration as you create your own zine that encapsulates your interests and passions. Bring a friend and create a collaborative booklet or create a zine to send out into the world using a variety of different printing techniques and mixed-media applications. 

Monroe Center Creativity Space

For more information, please contact GRAM Studio at or 616.831.2927.

20% off for members