Hands weaving together the start of a white rag rug using scraps of fabric.

Adult Workshop: Weaving with Reclaimed Materials

Thursday, May 18, 2023
6:00 pm — 9:00 pm

Join us in GRAM Studio once a month to channel your creativity and learn new artmaking techniques through workshops inspired by GRAM’s current exhibitions and collection highlights.

Weave your own rug with GRAM Studio using reclaimed materials. Explore the basics of creating a rug while recycling old textiles, or repurposing the odds bits of your yarn stash! Materials will be provided, but participants are welcome to bring their own fibers and textiles to incorporate into their weaving.

Please note: Program safety measures include face covering recommendations, regular sanitization and cleaning, and restricting the sharing of tools/​materials among participants. Masks will be available for those who do not have one.

Monroe Center Creativity Space

For more information, please contact GRAM Studio at gramstudio@artmuseumgr.org or 616.831.2927.

20% off for members