CANCELED: Educator Professional Development: Native Fibers and Birch Bark Biting with Kelly Church
Thursday, Oct 14, 2021
5:00 pm — 8:00 pm
Join us for a special educator professional development session at GRAM, centered on the exhibition An Interwoven Legacy: The Black Ash Basketry of Kelly Church and Cherish Parrish. After participants explore the exhibition in-person with GRAM’s Learning and Creativity team, artist Kelly Church will provide a Native Fibers virtual presentation about the materials that she harvests and uses for weavings.
Following this presentation, Church will lead a Birch Bark Biting virtual workshop. Participants will learn to peel summer birch bark, and bite designs with their teeth such as turtles, butterflies, and flowers. All tools and materials are provided, and each participant will receive pre-peeled bark, bark to peel, and a frame to take home their bitings.
We’re excited for guests to safely participate in select programming at the Museum. Expect new procedures, including: reduced program capacity to ensure distancing, face covering requirements regardless of vaccination status, regular sanitization and cleaning, and restricting the sharing of tools/materials among participants.
For more information, contact School Experience Manager, Emily Jarvi, at 616.831.2928 or