GRAM Invites Indigenous Community Members to Participate in Paid Land Acknowledgement Project
GRAM assembling Land Acknowledgement Advisory Committee
GRAND RAPIDS, MI, July 20, 2021 — The Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM) is assembling a Land Acknowledgement Advisory Committee to guide museum staff in the development and implementation of a land acknowledgement. Starting today, people who identify as Indigenous community members representing the Three Fires Confederacy: Ojibway (Chippewa), Ottawa (Odawa), and Pottawatomi (Bodéwadmi) with an interest in land acknowledgement work and being involved are invited to fill out a short questionnaire.
The Museum is working with Cecelia LaPointe of Red Circle Consulting and plans to launch the Advisory Committee in August. LaPointe is Ojibway/Métis and the Founder and Owner of Red Circle Consulting, Waub Ajijaak Press, and the Native Justice Coalition. LaPointe will consult on the project and lead a series of meetings with GRAM and committee members over the course of summer/fall 2021. Members will be asked to attend the meetings and review materials to provide feedback and help shape the land acknowledgement process at GRAM.
GRAM seeks to honor and cultivate respect for Indigenous peoples through this land acknowledgment, recognizing this as one step towards building a relationship and future partnerships with Native communities in West Michigan.
- Time commitment: Approximately five, 1‑hour meetings occurring from August to October 2021.
- Compensation: Committee members will be paid $150 per meeting for their time and participation.
- Location: The Grand Rapids Art Museum is located at 101 Monroe Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Advisory Committee meetings may be held virtually or in person, depending on committee members’ location and availability. If in-person meetings are required, participants will be reimbursed for their travel expenses.
- Deadline to Apply: Please complete and submit a short questionnaire by Friday, August 6, 2021. Link to apply: https://forms.gle/31pQUSnd1tRemNSv9
About the Grand Rapids Art Museum
Connecting people through art, creativity, and design. Established in the heart of downtown Grand Rapids, the art museum is internationally known for its distinguished design and LEED® Gold certified status. Established in 1910 as the Grand Rapids Art Association, GRAM has grown to include more than 5,000 works of art, including American and European 19th and 20th-century painting and sculpture and more than 3,000 works on paper. Embracing the city’s legacy as a leading center of design and manufacturing, GRAM has a growing collection in the area of design and modern craft.
For museum hours and admission fees, visit artmuseumgr.org.
About Red Circle Consulting
Red Circle Consulting specializes in a full array of community engagement work, presentations, projects, and workshops. The core focuses include: building bridges, expanding awareness, and creating understanding around often difficult and complex issues. The goal is to meet challenges with solutions that are aligned with healing and justice. For more information, visit anishinaabekwe.com/redcircleconsulting.
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